Saturday, September 23, 2017

Cartoon Saturday

You mean September isn't over yet?!

Puerto Rico was devastated by monster hurricane Maria, after suffering a major blow from the previous hurricane Irma; Donald Trump gave his first major speech at the United Nations, the highlight of which was calling North Korean president Kim Jong-Un "Rocket Man;" in return, Kim Jong-Un made a rare, in-person statement in which he referred to Mr Trump as a "mentally-deranged U.S. dotard;" states hard-hit by this season's powerful hurricanes are facing a new and serious problem: what to do with all the garbage and rubble; and Senator John McCain has said he cannot support the GOP's latest effort to repeal Obamacare, dealing it a potentially fatal blow.

This week, in honor of the GOP crusade to demolish the Affordable Care Act and replace it with something politically rather than medically acceptable, our cartoons feature takes on how we pay for health care. And pay for health care. And pay for health care. Etc.

Decisions, decisions ...

I'm reminded of the line in the great Jimmy Buffett song Fruitcakes in which a woman tells her boyfriend "I treat my body like a temple; you treat yours like a tent" ...

A symptom most of us exhibit ...

It's a consideration ...

Wait until the GOP gets done with it ...

I suffer from that, too ...

Trumpcare reduced to its essentials ...

The dreaded "second opinion" ...

The name of the hospital can be as revealing as anything else ...

How the outcome of the procedure is really judged ...

And that's it for this penultimate Cartoon Saturday for the month. As I write this, it appears that the Graham-Cassidy attempt to scuttle the Affordable Care Act may go down to a well-deserved defeat with the refusal of Senator John McCain to support it ... it appears his opinion carries more weight in the argument than that of the entire medical community, but hey! - take the good news from wherever it comes.

We're into the official fall season now, but here in NoVa we'll be looking at high summer temperatures for the next week or so. I think it's just Mother Nature's way of softening us up for a direct transition to winter. Time to start counting snow shovels.

Have a good day and a great weekend. Come back tomorrow for Poetry Sunday - more thoughts then.



Mike said...

Can't get paroled and sister of PP top the list.

allenwoodhaven said...

Focus less/more and billing department were my favorites but all are very good.

Always a pleasure, Bilbo, and needed as well. A fine edition. Thanks!

eViL pOp TaRt said...

Health insurance is the ultimate painful extraction!

Grand Crapaud said...

Thanks for the enjoyable ones about the too-often experiences with health care.