Saturday, December 21, 2024

Cartoon Saturday

I'd like to think that the weeks will be better in the new year, but I'm not quite that gullible ... 

A 15-year-old girl in Madison, Wisconsin, shot eight people at her Christian school, two of them - a teacher and another student - fatally; a senior Russian general accused of using chemical weapons in Ukraine and the UK was killed in a bomb attack in Moscow; Der Furor has begun unleashing a series of lawsuits against media organizations, pollsters, and individuals he claims have treated him unfairly; a French court has sentenced the ex-husband of Gisèle Pelicot to 20 years in prison for drugging and raping her and allowing 50 other men to rape her while she was unconscious in horrific abuse that lasted nearly a decade - the other rapists have received sentences of varying length; and in Connecticut, a woman who thought she had won a year's supply of toilet paper in a contest was informed that she would instead only receive a $2 gift voucher ... the e-mail notifying her of the change had the subject line, "Oopsie, We Made a Poopsie." 

Since it's Christmas week, how about a collection of Christmas-themed cartoons? 

Professional courtesy ... 

Santa's not as low-tech as he used to be ...

I have friends like this ...

For the "alpha male" at Christmas ...

It's not a bad concept ...

This was only a matter of time ...

They can be a real problem, can't they? ...

Santa's checkup ...

Oh, yeah ...

Maybe I ought to monetize my annual holiday letter, too ...

And that's it for today, the next-to-last Cartoon Saturday for 2024 ... I hope it gave you something to laugh at other than Congressional ineptitude and the rise of unelected President-in-Essence Elon Musk. 

Have a good day and a great weekend, and come back tomorrow for Poetry Sunday's Christmas edition. See you then!



  1. allenwoodhaven8:44 PM

    Good ones; thanks!

  2. allenwoodhaven8:46 PM

    And 100 votes for Fox, OAN, and their ilk for all their disinformation

  3. Duct taping presents... hmmmmmm.
