Friday, September 28, 2007

Running Late...

This is one of those mornings when I suffer from the reverse Midas Touch...everything I touch turns to lead. There's just too much to do this morning, and something has to get pushed back. Unfortunately, my usual early-morning blog post is today's victim, forced to yield primacy of my attention to the need to figure out why my checkbook is suddenly about $460.00 off. AARRGGHH! Fortunately, the error seems to be in my favor. Unfortunately, I can't figure out where the mistake is. Sigh...

I'll try to post again later. Just to whet your appetite, my topic will deal with a different spin on the global warming controversy.

And that's not just hot air.

Have a good day. Please check back later on for more thoughts. If you happen to have an extra $460.00, please inquire about making donations to the Rescue Bilbo's Checkbook Fund, available via PayPal.



  1. Wait a minute, I thought you aid the error was in YOUR favor! That means that you should have the extra $460 to contribute to your readers--or to take your favorite dancing partner out for a nice weekend!

  2. I'm with John! If its in your need to contribute to us... :)

    But seriously...I hate when stuff like that happens :(
