Sunday, February 17, 2008

Cartoon Sunday

I woke up with an attack of the lazies this morning, Agnes is still asleep, the coffee smells great, and there's the usual 15-pound Sunday paper to read, so I thought I'd just fall back on the old dodge of sharing some more of my favorite cartoons with you.

I'm not mentioning any particular names, but this one might conceivably apply to certain persons highly placed in our government...

A few days ago, I wrote a post called The Expectation of Privacy. This cartoon turned up too late to include as an illustration, but it's wonderful. For those of you who live outside the U.S. and have never seen the New York Public Library, it's famous for the statues of the two resting lions flanking the front steps...
As the presidential campaign grinds on, particularly in a campaign season dominated by foolish concentration on the race or sex of particular candidates, there's less and less critical thinking on the part of the electorate. This about sums it up...

And I'll wrap it up with one of my all-time favorite cartoons. You just can't imagine how much I miss Bill Watterson and the classic "Calvin and Hobbes" strip:

As you may have noticed by this time, I collect great cartoons. If you have a particular favorite, I'd love to see it. E-mail copies to me at You may see them return in a future cartoon-centric post.

Have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow.



  1. I saw the library one in my daily 'New Yorker' calendar cartoons. Presumably you have this as well.

  2. I miss Calvin and Hobbes too. A few Christmases ago my mum got me this massive three volume treasury set of the complete collection.

    And I love that particular strip :)

  3. I miss Calvin and Hobbs too. That and The Far Side.

    That was a great strip too. Everyone really does need a swift kick!
