Saturday, September 06, 2008

Cartoon Saturday

Hurricane Hannah is rolling up the East Coast, North Korea is again petulantly threatening to fire up its nuclear program, a man with a gun and grenades in his car has been arrested near the Capitol, and the presidential campaigns are in full swing.

You really need Cartoon Saturday.

Times change, and what we think of as normal changes, too...

If you regularly ride the Metro trains here in the Washington, DC area, you know that the illuminated arrows that show you which side of the train the doors will open are wrong about 75% of the time. The caption of this German cartoon says, "Correction - doors will open on the right."

Did you hear anything in the speeches at the Democratic and Republican conventions about a rational energy policy? Neither did I. I think I need a drink...

At the intersection of the "Galley Slave" and the "It Couldn't Get Any Worse" families of cartoons...

And finally, speaking of the national mood...

If you live in the areas being drenched by Hurricane Hannah, be safe this's probably a good day to stay inside and work down that honey-do list. Bilbo's Republicratic Party Platform continues tomorrow with a look at tax reform and the economy.

Have a good day. More ruminations tomorrow.



  1. Thanks for the giggles. Make lots of progress on that list!

  2. LOL love the energy drinks and the dinosaurs :)

  3. Galley slave jokes always make me laugh.

  4. I was holding the dinosaurs in reserve. It's about time they made an appearance.
