Saturday, September 13, 2008

Cartoon Saturday

Hurricane Ike has crushed Galveston and is heading for Houston, we're getting to know Sarah Palin, we already know Joe Biden, and bookies are placing their odds on the next giant financial institution you and I will need to bail out.

Now, more than ever, you need Cartoon Saturday.

Sometimes when you're in uniform, things just go terribly wrong...

With the economy the way it is, and the chance of health care reform no more than a faint mirage shimmering on the horizon, it's only a matter of time until we reach the ultimate result...

In the picture that goes with my profile, which was taken in 2003, the dog with me is Pip, our Black Labrador. Pip was a great dog who, sadly, went to that great kennel in the sky last week after a long life as a beloved member of the family. One of Pip's characteristics was absolute terror of thunder, fireworks, distant explosions, or similar noises. This cartoon reminds me of her...

And finally, cartoonists have long mined the "taking the boy/girl home to meet the parents" theme. This one is especially good...

Interesting how much the Michelin Man looks like John McCain, isn't it?

Have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow.



  1. Anonymous11:53 AM

    The inflatable doll kind of looks like a caricature of Hillary........What a pair!!!!

    Guess Who's coming to dinner.

  2. Sorry Bandit. With McCain being puffy, the doll is Palin. You been eatin' to many of those cookies.
