Saturday, September 27, 2008

A Saturday Extra - Things You Should Read

As you all know, I've been doing a lot of raging lately about the abysmal leadership and greed that got us into the economic and political crisis in which we find ourselves. I like to think that I'm a compelling writer and a reasonably well-informed and thoughtful guy. But I'm driven by my passions and sense of outrage as much as anyone else.

To get a thoughtful and - if I can use the term guardedly - moral analysis of the situation, you may be interested in these three articles from In All Things, the blog of America, The National Catholic Weekly: The Dark Knight and the Bailout; Memo to Pope: Encyclical, Please; and, McCain's Stunt, John Paul's Principles, and Obama's Opportunity.

You don't need to be Catholic, or even particularly religious, to see the moral common sense. I almost always enjoy reading the posts in this blog, and I wish I'd written any of the three I cited above, but particularly the first and third pieces, written by Michael Sean Winters.

Food for thought at a time when we have a thinking person's famine.

Have a good day. More later.



  1. I was reading some of the comments on one of the articles and there was a comment from 'Milbo'. Any relation??

  2. Mike, I didn't comment on any of the articles I cited, although I have commented on others. I hope I don't have someone riding my intellectual coattails out there!
