Thursday, December 18, 2008

Late Again...

It looks like it's going to be one of those days...I am behind schedule and don't have enough time to write a proper post this morning. I'm on time and awake enough, though, to remain cranked about the ongoing discussion of bailouts. This about sums up my thoughts on the subject:

If I can get my act together, I'll try to post something better later today. Otherwise, I'll see you in this space tomorrow.

Have a good day. More thoughts later.



  1. That's a good one. Have a great Thursday:)

  2. Glad your feeling better dear!
    And yes the Medieval Rack is back.

  3. Those clean sheets are messing up your schedule.

  4. Anonymous12:35 PM

    I think I will need to be bailed out. Of jail. I'm about to beat somebody down right now. Not a good morning.

  5. Andrea - good to hear from you...hope everything is okay.

    Fiona - I think Twinkie may need to borrow that rack.

    Mike - It's a problem I'm willing to deal with.

    Twinkie - Call Fiona about that rack...until then, don't do anything that will attract the attention of the coroner.

  6. That cartoon tells a lot!

  7. Sorry that you've been under the weather. That norovirus is going around...hope you didn't catch it! As far as the bailout(s) is (are) concerned, I definitely need to stand in line for one. My hubz is so cruel-hearted that he wants the Big 3 to go down the drain. I, however, am a more tender-hearted soul. OK, sue me!

  8. Have not been by in awhile. Your cartoon is so spot on! Just how much can the tax-payer take before 'they' become fed up and look for their own hand outs?

    Hope you are feeling better!

    Have a great day!
