Saturday, February 07, 2009

Cartoon Saturday

In Colorado Springs, a man armed with a Klingon sword (a bat'leth) held up two convenience stores and remains at large; actress Jennifer Anniston was in tears after finding a single gray hair; actor Christian "Batman" Bale launched a profane category 1 tantrum on the set of his new movie (using the f-word an astounding 36 times) after a crew member irritated him; in true bipartisan spirit, Democrats and Republicans in Congress are peeing on each others shoes and blaming each other for failure to be bipartisan instead of passing economic recovery legislation; and Robert Mugabe is still running Zimbabwe as his personal ATM while hundreds have died in a cholera epidemic and inflation is at 231 million percent.

Sit down, have a drink, and let Cartoon Saturday take your mind off things for a while.

One of the things that really irritates me is people who have to refer to themselves as "(insert ethnic/racial/sexual/etc group)-Americans." You're an American or you aren't. If the hypen is that important to you, go and live where you'll feel better. This rather sums up the stupidity of hyphenated people for me...

I'm always amazed at how people are always sending text messages to friends located elsewhere, their thumbs flying over tiny keyboards while they carry on halfhearted conversations with the people actually there in the room with them. They're starting earlier all the time, too...

I don't know if I should be worried that I actually understood the joke here...

I liked this one just because it was so wonderfully dumb...

Even though Amanda and Mike try to fill the gap, I still miss Numeric Life. Nobody could do numbers like she could. Except, perhaps, for ...

And finally, you know things have gone too far with junk liability lawsuits and ridiculous claims for damages caused by people's rank stupidity when you see the real impact ...

Well, now that that's out of the way, I guess I should do the usual fun things for a Saturday morning like bringing my checkbook up to date, deciding what to fix for breakfast once Agnes gets up, and renting a front-end loader to move the dirty wash down to the laundry room so I can think about washing it.

I love relaxing weekends.

Have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow.



  1. I had to explain the "safe word" cartoon to Doris. She didn't get it at all and is somewhat concerned that I did.

  2. Steve is in the doghouse for understanding this cartoon (and having to explain it to me).

  3. Yeah, I really miss Numeric Life, too. have fun with the front-end loader and other tasks!

    wv: hunli--offspring of Attila

  4. The safe word cartoon. Is it written by a guy or gal? If it's a gal I'd like to met her.

    Wv - avera - I think I need a spanish translator for this one.

  5. Steve and Doris - oops...

    John - it's up to a front-end loader AND a dumpster.

    Mike - it's a gal...the strip is called "Six Chix." Good luck. You can use "avera" as your safe word.

  6. The one set in the car mechanic's shop was a classic.

    Would a penguin be an ANTarctic American?

  7. Thanks for the Saturday morning chuckles. The Arctic-American cartoon cracked me up in particular.

  8. Jean-Luc - picky, picky, picky!

    Wanderlust - happy to be of service. I think we must be kindred minds on the arctic-American cartoon...

  9. I love the texting baby one :) I think my life is slowly returning to normal :)

  10. I commented! and was ignored! where did I go? Sheeeet (mincer) my comment is floating around cyber ...lost.
    wv- conve- How friggin conve, I got lost!

  11. I'm identifying with the last one. Aaron is always asking why Humpty fell down, why can't he be fixed and what happened to him in the end. I'll just show him this updated version!

  12. Andrea - welcome back!

    Fiona - don't you just love being bit-mugged?

    Amanda - there's another great cartoon like this that shows the modern cowboy, equipped to comply with all the safety regulations. I'll have to look for it...maybe it will inspire Aaron to be an engineer someday.

  13. i really hope that when i have a baby, he/she will be able to text me his/her concerns. it will make life much easier!
