Saturday, July 25, 2009

Cartoon Saturday

An 8-year old Liberian girl who was gang-raped by a group of Liberian boys ranging in age from 9 to 14 has been placed in the custody of child protective services in Phoenix after her parents said she had "shamed and embarrassed" them; a Saudi Arabian man has been arrested after bragging about his sex life on television; public mailboxes are disappearing across America as people increasingly communicate by telephone and e-mail; the international body which governs competitive swimming has outlawed the use of high-tech swimsuits which give some swimmers a competitive advantage; and die-hard conservatives continue to insist - in a campaign fueled by ignorance and innuendo - that President Obama is actually a Kenyan citizen and thus ineligible to be president.

If ever you needed Cartoon Saturday, it's now.

This week features cartoons on two topics: death and lawyers. No, not death to lawyers, although some would say this is not a bad idea, either.

You may have wondered about the early experiences that shape future lawyers ...

Or about how experience as Boy Scouts affects lawyers when they grow up ...

Contrary to what evidence would indicate and many of us believe, serious discussions about ethical behavior often take place within big law firms ...

Death is another pretty serious topic which nevertheless often finds its way into cartoons. There are the just plain silly ones ...

There are those that bring death up to date ...

And, finally, there are those that remind us of the old adage about the inevitability of ... well ... you know ...

Here's one more bonus cartoon for today. I saw this one not long ago and thought it was appropriate as Agnes and I approach the magic contractual two-year point at which we can upgrade our cell phones. We all know that you can't just buy a phone any more - you buy a hand-held device to play games, take pictures, send e-mail, surf the web, and run hundreds of other apps. Some of those apps can be pretty specialized ...

Have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow.



  1. I like the rosetta phone. But I think it will be centuries before any sense is made out of it.

    Wv: adwoods - What the enviromentalists says we need to do.

  2. Haha. Cartoons are needed pretty badly today.

  3. Agnes and I approach the magic contractual two-year point at which we can upgrade our cell phones.

    have you learned the art of texting yet? if not, look into one of those phones with a qwerty keyboard. makes texting super easy.
