Thursday, September 03, 2009

Just Checking In...

Agnes and I are in Colorado Springs, and are having a great visit so far (except for that working part that I need to do, but that's okay). Haven't had a time to do any real touristy stuff yet, but that will start after work today. We had a great visit yesterday evening with one of my old friends from high school and his wife at their beautiful home out on the plains, with marvelous views of the mountains and the glorious sunset (thanks to all the fires in California).

This afternoon, weather and work permitting, we plan to visit the Garden of the Gods and Seven Falls. Hope it works out.

I will try to do a real post tonight or tomorrow morning...for now, just wanted to let you all know we're still alive and kicking!

Have a good day. More thoughts coming.



  1. If you can, try to go to Seven Falls at night. They light up the falls with 7 different colors of light and it's pretty spectacular.

    At least it was about 35 years ago when I was last there.

  2. Good to hear from you...been missing your daily posts.

    wv: in, "I'm not really intathe music that my daughter listens to"

  3. Gilahi - They have a website with pictures. I'm sure the small pictures don't do it justice.

  4. Yep, just like I remembered it. And I was just a wee lad, too.
