Saturday, February 27, 2010

Cartoon Saturday

A massive earthquake has shaken Chile; 26 people have been killed and at least 41 injured in a stampede at a mosque in Timbuktu; Kentucky Senator Jim Bunning has vetoed an extension of unemployment benefits for millions of unemployed Americans because Congress has not specified a way to pay for it; in order to save money, the city of Colorado Springs has removed trash cans from public areas and turned off a third of its streetlights; and the data from a large national U.S. sample indicates that, on average, people who self-identified as liberal and atheist have higher IQs.

Aren't you glad Cartoon Saturday is here to help you cope?

I've spent a lot of time on hold this week, listening to recordings that tell me how important my call is in spite of not answering it. I've finally found the explanation...

Haven't you wondered from time to time about where some things originally came from? I like this one...

In the wake of the so-called Health Care Reform Summit (which appears to have accomplished nothing except contribute excess hot air to the global warming problem), health care continues to cost Real People a staggering amount - 17.3% of gross domestic product, according to figures compiled by the Department of Health and Human Services. All of which leads us to a few new cartoons about the economy, which is otherwise the least funny of topics nowadays. This one is good for those of you who like your data presented graphically (with apologies to Dr Tufte)...

Isn't it awful when pesky facts get in the way of a good theory...?

The domino theory doesn't just apply in geopolitical arguments, either...

And finally, from the Department of Just Plain Silly, But Obvious...

Agnes is on her way back from Germany, and will be home this evening, bringing my universe back into balance. It's about time.

Have a good weekend. More thoughts tomorrow.


P.S. ...

I need to put aside the fun of Cartoon Saturday for a moment to say goodbye to a good friend. Those of you who are regular readers of this blog will remember my old high-school friend Debbie, who has been a frequent commenter here and who has provided me with the material for many posts. Debbie passed away last night after years of bravely fighting an array of health problems.

We knew each other only in passing in high school, although at one point I had a fearsome crush on her. We reconnected last year through Facebook as she rallied the class of 1969 for our 40th reunion, and we quickly became fast friends. Although we were political polar opposites, she was always able to push my buttons gently without the partisan rancor that is so common nowadays. Her sense of humor and infectious, happy smile were a delight to all of us, and she will be sorely missed.

Good bye, Beautiful Lady. Someday, in a better place, we'll dance the tango we didn't get at the reunion.



  1. I am so sorry that Debbie passed away. I always looked forward to reading her comments here. I could relate to them. I will miss her.

    Thank you for letting us know.

  2. You know your old when your high school friends start dying.
    Been there, done that, still doing it.

    And I also have spent a lot of time on hold this week because of Claudias leg.

  3. Leslie David3:41 AM

    I'm sorry that your friend died. At least Agnes will be home soon.

  4. So sorry to hear about Debbie
