Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Yep...More Snow Coming

I wish I knew what it was I'd done to piss off the snow gods, because I'd do my very best to make amends. The Federal Government is closed for the second straight day, and will probably be closed tomorrow, too, as we hunker down for another 12 to 18 inches (!) of snow on top of what we already have. And did I mention the expected high winds that will drift it all over the place?

Enough, already!!

Yesterday Agnes and I put on our heavy clothes and hiked up to our local shopping center to see what was still available. It's a walk of a little less than a mile, and we can usually walk it in 15 minutes or less...yesterday it took a bit longer than that. Here are a few pictures taken between home and the shopping center...

This one is from the end of our driveway, looking up the hill:

About halfway up the hill, looking back down...

The intersection at the top of the hill...

Not everyone has shoveled out their sidewalks, and most of those who have have only done a single shovel-width. I don't know where the semi in the background thought he was going to go...he was in the process of backing down the street, having met a car coming the other way...the street was only plowed to one narrow lane, and the other guy got there first...

Somebody tried to have a sense of humor about the whole thing...

I think I may just go back to bed and dream about summer. Which, it appears, may start sometime around mid-August this year. Sigh.

Have a good day. If you're in the Big Snow area and you have to go out, be safe about it. If you can, stay inside and stay warm. It's gotta get better...doesn't it?

More thoughts later.



  1. Bandit8:39 AM

    Two lows delveloped over us here yesterday, gave us 3 to five inches and cranked up to come your way.

  2. As Bandit said we only got 3-5. But this may stick around longer because it got cold right after with high winds. High winds .... heading east.

  3. Leslie David11:37 AM

    I made it to Studio One for my lesson yesterday, although not for the 4 pm time slot--while 495 was in good shape, the construction on Gallows Rd, Rte 29 and Rte 50 slowed traffic to a crawl. I came home over Fairfax County Parkway which was good in some spots and still being worked on in others. Lee and Carla were at the studio when I was there for their lesson. Upshot--if we get hammered again, I don't know if I'll be able to make it to the party, assuming there is one. Can we cancel February?

  4. This is unbelievable for D.C. And you can expect more snow beyond today's next week.

    Who in D.C. is angering the Snow God this much. Oh, yes...Congress.

    My advice....make lots and lots of snow angels.

  5. Always good to know someone still has a sense of humor in all of this, though. Right?
