Saturday, April 10, 2010

Cartoon Saturday

29 miners are dead after a horrifying disaster at a West Virginia coal mine with a long history of dangerous safety violations; the president of Poland and his wife have apparently been killed in a plane crash; more than 200 people are known dead in massive mudslides in Brazil; according to the United Nations Children's Fund, a 12-year-old Yemeni bride died of internal bleeding following intercourse three days after she was married off to a man at least twice her age; and gentle, peace-loving Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmedinejad announced yesterday that his even-tempered and peace-loving nation has "fully mastered nuclear technology," bringing a nuclear weapon that much closer to someone who has threatened to wipe other countries off the map.

All rise for Cartoon Saturday...needed now more than ever.

As part of the movement to bring skyrocketing health care costs under control, many hospitals are looking to capitalize on older and less-costly technologies...

Sometimes, you've just gotta feel old in the presence of all this modern technology...

But sometimes, though, you want technology to come to the rescue...

If you're a fan of the over-the-top TV thriller 24, this is pretty funny. If you're not, well, just move on, folks, nothing to see here...

Do you ever worry about your prescription drugs after reading the huge list of possible side effects? It's an older problem than you think...

And finally, it's possible to take truth in advertising a bit too far...

It looks like it's going to be a nice weekend here in Disneyland on the Potomac...the sun is singing, the birds are shining, and the Republicans and Democrats are squalling. A normal day, just with better weather.

Have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow.



  1. That mining company should be ashamed. I wonder how the CEO can sleep at night now.

    Thank God for Cartoon Saturday.

  2. Love the caveman cartoon!

  3. What's an e-reader or ipad?

  4. Aye! What Mike said ;0)

  5. What? No recap of the dance party?
