Symbols are often used to represent major currencies. The pound, dollar, yen, and Euro are represented by these symbols -
Thus, we could write "Ten thousand dollars," or "$10,000," or even "$10K" (or, if you work for the government, "$10M," "$10B," or even "$10T."
If you're like most of us nowadays, and don't have enough money to use the "K," "M," or "B" shortcuts, the symbol for cent is often used -
It's a big deal for a currency to have its own symbol. It means you've arrived, that you're a major economic player. There's no generally accepted symbol for the Russian ruble, for instance, or (yet) for the Chinese currency (either the yuan or the renminbi, which is simply listed as "CNY").
The Indian rupee now has its own symbol -
The arrival of this spiffy new symbol for the rupee suggests that it's possible to come up with new currency symbols, perhaps to account for changes in the world economy. I thought we might look at introducing a new symbol for thealmighty dollar. This one seems appropriate for most of us -
If you're a Republican, this one might be more your style -
Anybody have any other ideas?
It's a big deal for a currency to have its own symbol. It means you've arrived, that you're a major economic player. There's no generally accepted symbol for the Russian ruble, for instance, or (yet) for the Chinese currency (either the yuan or the renminbi, which is simply listed as "CNY").
The Indian rupee now has its own symbol -
The arrival of this spiffy new symbol for the rupee suggests that it's possible to come up with new currency symbols, perhaps to account for changes in the world economy. I thought we might look at introducing a new symbol for the
If you're a Republican, this one might be more your style -
Anybody have any other ideas?
Have a good day, if only symbolically.
More thoughts tomorrow.
The pound is sinking...the lire's falling...the dracmhma very week..
ReplyDeleteSuddenly you've put a very odd Paul McCartney song in my head.
Picture a hand waving goodbye.
ReplyDeleteI gave a lady a symbol today...while driving. Maybe it wasn't the best symbol to front of my kids. Not my proudest moment.
ReplyDeleteMy son uses sign language for words he can't say...that is sort of a symbol...
I'm glad you found the rupee symbol. I couldn't the other day. I can now rest easy.
ReplyDeleteAs far as Prince goes you can read the symbol as OhHornPlusPoint. Shortened to OHPeePee.
How about the sign for null?