Sunday, March 13, 2011

More Great Moments in Editing

At a time when we seem to be beset on all sides by war, riots, religious intolerance, political dumbassity (I made that up, but it fits), and terrifying natural disasters, it's nice to know there are some things that are just ... well ... silly.

In a spirit of lightheartedness, and because I'm still groggy from the hour of sleep I lost because of the move to daylight savings time last night, here are a few more examples of excellence in editing. You can read the previous collection here.

There are many approaches to dealing with the problem of unwanted animals ...

This could be embarrassing ...

From the required reading list of the first session of Retail Marketing 101 ...

I can just hear Richard Dawson on Family Feud intoning, "Survey saaaaaays..." ...


And finally, while Eleanor Roosevelt was never known for her good looks, there are some comments that are just too ... uh ... catty ...

Today will be a pretty busy day, as Agnes and I spend the afternoon and evening at Dance Studio Lioudmila for their Spring Dance Showcase. I'll be emceeing the event, so I need to spend some time this morning going over my script and practicing my best Tom Bergeron-style ad libs for those moments when things don't go quite as planned. Which is, of course, all the time.

Just ask Janet Jackson.

Have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow.



  1. Silly is always good :)

    Have a great time as emcee!

  2. Makes me wish I'd preserved some of the gems I came across editing at JAROC.

  3. These are hilarious! Thanks for the laugh; I needed that.

    DO NOT have a wardrobe malfunction, but do have a good time. I imagine you'll be quite witty and entertaining.

  4. allenwoodhaven12:35 PM

    "Dumbassity" works well, but how about "assclownassity"? I know it's slightly redundant but many assclowns deserve the repetition!

    Enjoy your time in the spotlight; I'm sure you'll be great!

  5. A wardrobe malfunction could get you arrested.
