Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Seventy-Two Virgins

One of the more bizarre beliefs of those who worship the more extreme versions of a particular religion is that if they are "martyred" in the service of their beliefs, they will be rewarded in paradise with the devoted attention of seventy-two virgins. Or seventy-two golden raisins, whatever*. Not quite so clear to me is how this is of any benefit to women who are "martyred" in the service of their beliefs ... do they get seventy-two beefcakes, or seventy-two pieces of some other fruit?

Well, some people will take just about anything on faith. Considering that, I thought I'd share with you today this wonderful piece by Steve Martin from 2007 - Seventy-Two Virgins. I think my favorites are Numbers 11 and 72. Special thanks to my old (by which I mean beautiful, cherished and long-standing, not old, of course) friend Kerrie for pointing this out to me.

That's all for now ... I'm still celebrating.

Have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow.


* Considering Osama bin Laden's burial at sea, is he getting seventy-two sturgeons?


  1. Nice link to the 72 virgins. But you know that cartoon in the middle of the article? Did you know if you hit refresh you get a new cartoon? I looked at about 50 cartoons before giving up.

  2. I feel sorry for the poor sea life that might just nibble on Bin Laden.

  3. Are there 72 virgins? Twenty? Okay 1??

    Maybe it was 72 vegans???

  4. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Maybe it was 12 slightly used sorority girls?
