Saturday, June 11, 2011

Cartoon Saturday

Prince Phillip of England, husband of Queen Elizabeth II, celebrated his 90th birthday this week, and received the title of "Lord High Admiral" from his wife as a gift; raging wildfires continue to scorch large areas of Arizona; as if you haven't heard enough about Sarah Palin, Alaska has released about 24,000 pages of her e-mail from her time as the governor of the state; militants in Pakistan targeted by the US military slipped away twice in recent weeks after intelligence shared with the government of Pakistan was apparently shared again with the militants, allowing them to escape; and the nascent presidential campaign of GOP demigod Newt Gingrich apparently crashed and burned this past week as a result of ... well ... Newt Gingrich.

Every week, it seems we need Cartoon Saturday more and more...

Last week, Cartoon Saturday took a new look at the legend of the Trojan Horse. This week, two more takes on a classic story ...

And ...

You might think the common slug wouldn't seem to be much of a subject for cartoons, but you'd be wrong ... here are a few takes on slugs, starting with unfortunate medical advice ...

Moving on to the dangers of the slug as terrorist ...

And finishing off with a pun you just had to know was coming ...

As long as we're on the subject of nasty things you don't like to find in your garden, we may as well take a few shots at snails as well ...

And another awful pun ...

It was Rudyard Kipling who wrote in The Ballad of East and West that "East is East and West is West and never the twain shall meet." Of course, he wasn't referring to Shania Twain, and East and West could meet ... with odd results ...

Things are tough all across the economy, lending new meaning to the term "hell to pay" ...

And we wrap up this week's Cartoon Saturday with an observation on the Twitter phenomenon ...

It looks as if it's going to be a humid scorcher of a weekend, the sort that makes you want to put on a snorkel just to go outside, and to be grateful for inside chores.

Good luck with whatever the weekend has in store for you!

Have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow.



  1. Love the twitter one! I think that is definitely true.

  2. The East meets West cartoon reminds me of all the line dances in Ipoh, Malaysia. When line dancing first took off there, the people went crazy with the dressing up!
