Thursday, March 15, 2012

Is There an Editor in the House?

It's been a few long months of Republican primary ass-clownery and raging insanity in the Middle East - with no end in sight for either - so we probably need something to cheer us up. Since we're not likely to be able to deport Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum, or to just pave over Iran and start over, how about the next best thing: another selection of gems from ol' Uncle Bilbo's "Great Moments in Editing" collection? Here we go ...

From the "Stupid Criminals" sub-collection ...

I'm not sure I really want to drink the water here ...

... or here ...

And while we're at it, I don't know if I want to eat here ...

... although this one might not be too bad ...

Who will find the finders ... ?

When you're looking for that one-of-a-kind gift for the couple who has everything ...

I'm sure it was a tough decision ...

This is what can happen when you go too far with cutting education budgets ...

This is how all those weight-loss programs seem to work for me ...

Today is Thursday, and the weather is supposed to be beautiful ... let's just hope it holds through the weekend, so that I can start repairing the winter devastation of my yard and garden. My meteorological fingers are crossed ...

Have a good, well-edited day. More thoughts tomorrow.



  1. "Succulent racks attract crowds..."

    Don't they always?

  2. Tee hee..

    How do you lose a search and rescue dog?

    Maybe it went off to find itself?

  3. The headline with the racks one was intentional.

    How romantic! His and hers coffins! Too bad the theme was spoiled by the pine tree air freshener.

  4. I thought they his and hers coffins was a cute idea until I read that they were slightly used.

    All very funny!

  5. A slightly used coffin? Exumation or resurrection?

    How can water be safe to drink but not to swim in?

    These were real hoots! A good laugh helps on an uphill Thursday.

  6. When I saw the flaming anus I immediately thought of John and his 600,000 scoville units.

  7. allenwoodhaven6:14 PM

    Thesealways brighten my day. Thanks Bilbo!!

  8. These were enjoyable laughs. Thanks, Bilbo!
