Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Edatur Edytar Editur Good Writing Person Wanted

How about a few more things from the "Great Moments in Editing" collection to get you past Hump Day, eh?

At least they were caught on film ...

If it's all the same to you, I'd rather not matter ...

It's too late ...

I always admire people who can look on the bright side of even the worst situations ...

I wonder if it's because they didn't want anyone to know about the clown and the mind-reader they hired ...

Just as I always suspected ...

Yes. Yes I am ...

I'm glad that there's new emphasis on ethics in public service, but somehow I think this is a bit much ...

With Sherlock Holmes on the case, they ought to solve this one quickly ...

And finally, one hopes the final bill will be spelled properly ...

And so we turn our expectant faces to the slow coast out to Friday and the weekend, which can't come soon enough to suit yours truly. But for now, it's time to get back on the bench, grab that paddle, and keep rowing the galley.

After all, somebody has to earn enough to pay taxes so that the better-connected don't have to.

Have a good day. Spell it properly. More thoughts tomorrow.



  1. How could these actually get printed?? They're really funny though.

  2. I don't get the one about the z-score or z-transformation, but these are a good laugh for hump day.

  3. We should never be too much in a hurry to suspect public officials of being honest. Or smart.

  4. Maybe those scientists are hoping for doom. Their mothers-in-law are scheduled to visit, or they're up for review.

  5. Americans are getting tired of surveys. If one more political survey group calls me.....

  6. School suplies for edittors.

    I'm optimistic about doom.

  7. allenwoodhaven7:02 PM

    These are always great. Thanks so much Bilbo!!
