Saturday, May 12, 2012

Cartoon Saturday

A week surely does go by quickly, doesn't it?

According to Kinetic Analysis Corporation, a firm specializing in predicting and assessing the cost of disasters, it would cost about $160 billion to repair New York City after the beating it took in the film The Avengers; representative Michelle Bachmann of Minnesota, a strident foe of President Obama's health care law which mandates insurance coverage for all citizens, has elected to take dual citizenship in Switzerland ... where health insurance is mandatory for all citizens; Facebook co-founder Eduardo Savarin has renounced his US citizenship in an evident attempt to avoid liability for taxes on his earnings from Facebook's upcoming IPO; the former brother-in-law of singer Jennifer Hudson has been found guilty of first-degree murder in the 2008 slayings of Hudson's mother, brother and 7-year-old nephew; and China and the Philippines are inching toward conflict over possession of the Scarborough Shoal (called Huangyan Island by China and Panatag Shoal by the Philippines), a small lagoon in the South China Sea claimed by both countries.

Heck of a world, isn't it? Good thing you have Cartoon Saturday to help you cope with it.

We lead off this week's selection of cartoons with the usual awful puns ...

And ...

Clowns are always good for a few cartoons ... in a few weeks, we'll have a whole Cartoon Saturday featuring clown cartoons, but for now, these two will have to do ...

And ...

Many people who should know better don't accept the concept of evolution; nevertheless, the evidence for it is overwhelming ... as studies of how birds construct their nests have shown ...

While we're on the subject of birds, I received this cartoon yesterday from my nephew Eddie, who is always on the lookout for good cartoons for me ...

And, speaking of WiFi and antennas and such, these two cartoons were just too good to pass up ... 

 And ...

While we hunker down and get ready for the presidential campaign season, this seemed like an appropriate cartoon to run ...

And finally, apropos of presidential campaigns, political ass-clownery, economic chaos, the near-disappearance of common courtesy, and the threat of mankind's potential extinction by wandering asteroids, I leave you with this comforting thought ...

And that's it for this week. I hope you have a great weekend of minimum stress and maximum fun ... and don't forget to honor Mom tomorrow for Mother's Day.

Have a good day. More thoughts coming.



  1. Great pun cartoons for Cartoon saturday, an institution!

    Love the birdhouse up to code.

  2. Clowns *shudders*

  3. Great cartoons.Puns are an art form.

  4. Angelique - I did love the birdhouse cartoon, although it wasn't my favorite for this week.

    Dana - it's interesting that clowns - who are supposed to be funny - inspire fear in some people. Remember Pennywise in Stephen King's story "It"?

    Andrea - that one was my favorite for the week...a true classic!

    Elvis - I love puns. My mother was a world-class pun artist, and I try to meet her standard. Some of my Facebook friends and I get into long, drawn-out pun wars every few weeks to see how long we can keep them going.

  5. I try to avoid reality as much as possible.

  6. I like puns too. These satisfy!

  7. Punnish cartoons help with the sting of reality. A great laugh to come home to after getting the runs.
