Monday, May 14, 2012

Zip Lines

Because there isn't enough danger and excitement in our lives, our son-in-law Vin and his next door neighbor Darren decided this weekend to put up a zip line ... for the children's amusement, of course. You can imagine the results.  Here's the story in pictures:

Leya helps Mr Darren unpack the coiled steel cable. I'm not sure I'd have wanted a four-year-old that close to my midsection with a pair of wire cutters, but he's pretty brave ...

Once the cable is unpacked, it petulantly tangles itself in a Gordian fashion, as steel cables are wont to do. Agnes and Vin work mightily to untangle the mess ...

... and Leya provides valuable assistance with untangling the cables, proving my father's old adage that every job is easier if you hold your tongue right ...

Leya's not entirely sure about how high up this thing is getting to be ...

Once the line was up and before the children were allowed to ride, the adults had to make sure it was safe. My daughter Yasmin takes the plunge ...

I rode it, too. There are no pictures of me riding it though (thankfully) because my not insubstantial weight resulted in my fanny acting as a brake on my forward momentum.

Vin and Darren rigged up an old swing seat so that the children could ride, rather than having to hang from the grip ...

Once she got used to the speed and the altitude, Leya decided it was actually a pretty fun ride ...

Of course, two-year-old Elise wanted to ride, too. Leya decided to help by towing her sister along the line ...

And Elise, too, decides this zip line thing is pretty cool ...

Darren's friend Sandy, who is a nurse, was observing the whole thing with a critical eye, especially as Vin and Darren tried to outdo each other in speed of ride. I think she was quietly envisioning the supplies she may eventually need to patch up the "older" children ...

Zip lines. The best excuse yet for sitting on a comfortable bench with a beer, watching everyone else taking the risks.

Have a good day. Make the acquaintance of those underused shoulder muscles.

More thoughts tomorrow.



  1. somehow I know I'd manage to go splat.

  2. Wow! That looks like fun!

  3. I'll admit it ... I'm a little envious!

  4. Zip lines are fun! It's good to introduce them to children when they're young.

  5. This looks like a ball....from my chair with a cold beverage. Move over Bill, I sit with you for a spell.

  6. they look so cute, and having fun playing on the zip line.

  7. Doing that looks as easy as falling off a roof.

  8. AWESOME!!! I want one now!!

  9. I want something like that in our backyard!!!

  10. Leslie David9:35 AM

    Great pictures of the girls. They are having so much fun!
