Saturday, June 09, 2012

Cartoon Saturday

How the time flies when you're having fun. And even when you're not. Once again a week has swirled down the drain of history, and it's time for Cartoon Saturday ... so let's get to it!

The Syrian government and opposition rebels are trading accusations of responsibility for a massacre this morning in which 19 people, many of them women and children, were murdered; I'll Have Another, the horse that won the first two legs of the Triple Crown at the Preakness Stakes and the Kentucky Derby*, has had his racing career ended because of an injury; eighteen victims of a child pornography ring have been rescued in a series of coordinated raids by US law enforcement agencies; teen star Miley Cyrus announced her engagement to somebody or another; and actress and professional bad girl Lindsey Lohan has been involved in yet another traffic accident.

You may want to just stay off the highways and enjoy the cartoons ...

We lead off this week with two related takes on life in the high-tech era ...

And ...

I realized, while looking for cartoons for this week, that I have a great many on the topic of elevators ... so let's cue the Muzak and riff on that theme for a while ...

and ...

I think this one's for Mike ...

Appropriate for the right business, don't you think? ...

 This one might also have been a good terrible pun cartoon ...

And, finally for the elevator series ...

You may want to read the fine print in the latest GOP health care proposal ...

And to wrap things up for this week, I wonder if this is why I had some trouble landing my first job ...

And that's it for this week's edition of Cartoon Saturday. It looks like it's going to be a very hot weekend here in Northern Virginia, so maybe I should just work on convincing Agnes that it's too dangerous to mow the lawn under the broiling sun, and I should just go to the cineplex and watch Prometheus instead. 

Naw ... mowing the lawn is easier.

Have a good day and a wonderful weekend. More thoughts coming.


* For those of you who have never had the pleasure of hearing the Kentucky Derby announced as only Spike Jones could bring it to you, here you go ...


  1. The first two were hilarious. I never thought of cords that way before.

    You'll have to report back on Prometheus if you watch it. I'm undecided on whether I'm brave enough or not.

  2. I'm going to be up to 600 miles before the days over.

  3. Waiting on reports about Prometheus. The elevator cartoons are awesome, especially the one with the undecided button and the scroll up/scroll down one.

    Stay out of the heat/sun. And hydrate!

  4. It's okay to be for cheerleaders in leather and spurs if you're applying for a job as an engineer.

  5. Kudos for the Devil going down to no good one! A new song for the Charlie Daniels Band!

    Prometheus or Bernie this weekend.

  6. Great Cartoon Saturday!

    And best wishes to Miley Cyrus that there won't be an achy breaky heart in her future.
