Saturday, July 14, 2012

Cartoon Saturday

If you have been distraught because Cartoon Saturday did not appear when you expected it to, I am sorry. But after a great dance party last night at Studio One I slept this morning until the unheard-of hour of 8:30, then decided to do my yard work before it got too hot (didn't work ... it was too hot, anyhow). Then I had to have lunch, and then ... well ... better late than never, eh? Let's get going with this week's cartoons ...

According to an article in today's Washington Post, the presidential campaign is "entering a new phase, moving from relentlessly negative to downright nasty;" the US Olympic Committee is under fire for ordering uniforms for the US Olympic team that are made in China; Penn State University is reeling in the wake of a report that condemns the University's leadership for its failure to act on the abuse of children by a former assistant football coach; a Washington, DC metro police officer is under investigation for allegedly threatening the life of First Lady Michelle Obama; and Hollywood icon Harrison Ford, famous for his portrayals of Star Wars' Han Solo and swashbuckling archaeologist Indiana Jones, celebrated his 70th birthday yesterday.

Yep. Except for good old (sorry about that!) Harrison Ford, it was a week that cries out for Cartoon Saturday ...

We lead off with the traditional terrible pun cartoon of the week ...

and the runner-up ...

I remember when I used to collect baseball cards many years ago. Things have changed a bit since then ...

Worried about air quality? Don't be. If the GOP wins in November, all those pesky, job-killingTM air quality standards will be a thing of the past ...

Special deal this week for the Super PAC of your choice! ...

Artwork of the cave-man era made an appearance in the cartoons this week, starting with its interior decorating aspects ...

and moving on to its cultural ones ...

How about those hybrid vehicles, eh?

And ...

And finally for this week, a cartoon that's so obvious I don't know why I didn't see it long before this ...

And there you have it for this week's edition of Cartoon Saturday. It's too hot to do any more yard work for today, and Agnes has gone shopping ... so I think I'll do a little more work on my Lego model of the Super Star Destroyer from Star Wars (see yesterday's post for an initial picture). I'll post more pictures when I have a bit more of it completed.

Stay cool, and have a great weekend. More thoughts tomorrow.



  1. Gresat cartoons, but the last one was a groaner (in the positive way!)

  2. That last one was awesome. That catoonist must come from great stock.
