Saturday, August 18, 2012

Cartoon Saturday

It's been a long week ...

In Russia, three members of the all-girl punk rock band Pussy Riot have been sentenced to two years in prison for "hooliganism" for insulting Russian president Vladimir* Putin; a spokesman for presumptive GOP vice-presidential nominee Paul Ryan says there is no contradiction between Congressman Ryan’s efforts to secure federal funds for his district via budget earmarks and his relentless call for budget-cutting measures; North Korean President Kim Jong Un has told his countrymen to prepare for "sacred war" as the US and South Korea prepare for the "Ulchi Freedom Guardian" military exercises; three US Marines were murdered and another seriously wounded by a 15 year-old Afghan worker in another of the "green on blue" attacks which have taken the lives of more than 20 Americans this year; and in Louisiana, seven people have been arrested in connection with the ambushes that killed two Louisiana state troopers and wounded two more.

Sit back, take a deep breath, and let Cartoon Saturday help you deal with this crazy old world ...

Sometimes you find the right person for the job ...

... and sometimes, he finds you ...

There are lots of great cartoons dealing with that most hapless of characters - the crash test dummy. Here's a selection ...


And ...

How crash test dummies might moonlight ...

They tend to specialize ...

And finally for today's test dummy series ...

Yesterday was the anniversary of Mae West's birthday ... 

... and we should acknowledge that she was not the only master of the double entendre ...

We bring today's edition of Cartoon Saturday to a close with this look at how Agnes and I keep track of things** ...

So we bring another week to an end and gird our mental loins for another few months of evasive and untruthful political posturing leading up to an election which is already in the process of being purchased on our behalf. Or on behalf of those with deep pockets, anyhow.

Stay with me ... there are still eleven Cartoon Saturdays before the election to help you keep things in perspective.

Have a good day. More thoughts coming.


* Your linguistic lesson for today: the common Russian name "Vladimir" is derived from the combination of the words "vlad" (meaning "ruler") and "mir" (which can mean either "world" or "peace"). Thus, "Vladimir" is the "ruler of the world." Or the "ruler of peace," but I think the first is more appropriate in the current political context. Also, it's actually pronounced vluh-DEE-mur, and not VLAD-uh-meer.

** Actually, it's how I keep track of things, because Agnes's filing system consists of giving things to me and telling me, "Don't lose this."


  1. I need a better piling system too!

  2. My filing system is nonexistent.

    The group Pussy Riot is embarassing to talk about without blushing. They're even more in your face than t.A.T.u.

  3. Our house is just one big file drawer. I should put a big handle on the front of the house to make it official.

  4. I identify with crash test dummies sometimes. Whoops!
