Saturday, August 25, 2012

Cartoon Saturday

If ever there's been a week that needs a Cartoon Saturday, this has been it ...

A man shot and killed two people and wounded nine others in front of the Empire State Building in New York City; Republican judge Tom Head in Lubbock County, Texas, has claimed that the reelection of President Obama will lead to civil war when Obama makes Congress and the Constitution irrelevant*, and called for raising a well-equipped force to fight the UN troops he claims Obama will call in; a British tabloid has printed nude photos of Prince Harry on vacation in Las Vegas; in Pakistan, an 11 year-old Christian girl is under arrest, charged with blasphemy - an offense which carries a death sentence - for allegedly burning pages of the Koran; and a man who broke into the home of rapper and actor LL Cool J will be arraigned on first degree burglary charges after he is released from the hospital, where he is being treated for the broken nose, jaw and ribs he suffered while an irate Mr J "detained" him for the police.

And the year ain't over yet. Bring on the cartoons ...

Women often complain about where men's eyes stray during conversations, and there are plenty of cartoons that take off on that tendency. Here's a sampling ...

and ...

and ...

This one puts a high-tech twist on the theme ...

and finally for the series ...

Last week's Cartoon Saturday somehow missed the traditional pun cartoon, so this week we'll catch up by including not one, but two groaners ...

and ...

What it's like to travel with John ...

There was a time, once, when things were simpler ...

And finally for this week, a cautionary tale on the perils of reading the classics while incarcerated ...

So ends another week of shameless political buffoonery, violently intolerant religion, unrestrained exercise of Second Amendment rights, ludicrous behavior on the part of the rich, famous, and well-connected, and continuing drought**. And the Republican convention takes place in the coming week, as if we needed more noise and hot air. Good luck.

Have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow.


* Actually, Congress is doing that well enough on its own, and needs no help from the President.

** That would be a lack of both moisture and of courtesy and common sense.


  1. Cartoon Saturday gives a bracing reassurance that there are still breezes of humor blowing from your end of the Republic. I really enjoyed the parodies of the "eyes" reminder.

    Now to find pictures of Prince Harry!

  2. Great laughs after a dispirting week of news and asshattery! You delivered the goods, Bilbo!

  3. I need to be in that chamber.

  4. Great cartoons/Bad politics
    The Yang and Yin of Cartoon Saturday.

    "Like a Version" is far superior to the original.
