Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Mid-Week Odds and Ends

It's a weird world ...

Representatives of a peaceful and merciful religion, filled with hysterical anger about an online movie they claim insults their primary religious figure, stormed the US embassies in Egypt and Libya yesterday, setting the Tripoli embassy on fire and killing an American. Libya's General National Congress condemned the attack, saying it "led to the regrettable injury and death of a number of individuals." In this photograph, a devout individual in Libya celebrates his religious beliefs by waving a gun and setting things on fire ...

Secretary of State Clinton said that the United States condemned the attacks "in the strongest terms." I might have recommended a substantially more kinetic condemnation ... but nobody listens to me.

Speaking of fires, in Karachi, Pakistan, a fire in a garment factory has killed at least 105 people. It's a good thing the owners of the factory weren't encumbered by all those job-killingTM safety regulations that are crushing American businesses.

The election season is in full swing, and both parties are working together in a sober and productive attitude of bipartisan cooperation to present concrete measures to deal with the nation's problems. Ha, ha ... just kidding ...

Indeed, I am concerned about potentially life-threatening medical conditions affecting many of those in what used to be quaintly called "public service" ...

That's all. Things are weird enough, and I have a vacation to get ready for.

Have a good day. Even if you need a job, I recommend you not take one in a Pakistani garment factory.

More thoughts tomorrow.



  1. OH vacation..what is that? Hope you enjoy yours!

  2. Kinetic condemnation = dropping bombs?

    That Road Far Less Traveled cartoon is so true!

  3. Most politicians do not die of constipation, they spread it.

  4. "Innocence of Islams" is the name of the movie. THere are clips on youtube. I can't beleive it cost $5 million to make. $5,000? Maybe.

  5. Our elephants and donkeys are marching to the same damned drummer.

    That's a bummer.
