Saturday, October 27, 2012

Cartoon Saturday - The Halloween Edition

It's been a scary week ...

A nanny in New York has been charged with murdering two small children left in her care; hurricane Sandy is making its way toward the Northeastern United States threatening to merge with strong cold front to create a very dangerous system that has already been dubbed "Frankenstorm;" Indiana senatorial candidate Richard Mourdock has won widespread condemnation for his remark that if a woman who has been raped gets pregnant, it was "something that God intended to happen;" Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid was briefly hospitalized and is in good condition after his motorcade was involved in an accident; and Microsoft released its new Windows 8 operating system to mixed reviews ...

... So let's get scary, but in a good way ...

We begin at the intersection of Halloween and awful puns ...

Even witches are getting into high-tech these days ...

... and they worry about the same things the rest of us do ...

The classic children's halloween costume is the simple sheet-over-the-head-with-two-eyeholes ghost. Which lends itself to all sorts of clever cartoons, like ...

 ... and,

We had Frankenstein, and Bride of Frankenstein. Now, the untold story behind Son of Frankenstein ...

Even monsters have to deal with tough parental issues ...

This is about as terrible and frightening a costume as I can imagine ...

Unless it's this one ...

Does a vampire have the same health concerns as you and I? ...

Bonus cartoon - this one is clever, and funnier if you've seen The Wizard of Oz ...

And that's it for the Halloween 2012 edition of Cartoon Saturday. If you are taking children trick-or-treating, be sure to keep them safe. If you are out driving on Halloween, be extra careful for wandering children who probably won't be watching out for you as they race between houses to their next treats. And if our much-anticipated Frankenstorm arrives on schedule, remember that high winds are tough for small children.

Have a good day. Trick or treat safely and have a great Halloween! More thoughts coming.



  1. Is it possible to get a sexy costume as the economy? No, I guess not.

    Enjoyed the cartoons!

  2. I hope you have no damage or inconvenience from the storm, Bilbo.

    Nice cartons.!

  3. Batten down the hatches.

  4. Sometimes an ill wind blows nobody good.
