Sunday, March 17, 2013

We'll Never Run Out of Great Moments in Editing!

You may have wondered why I write so frequently about the importance of good writing. Wonder no longer as you gaze in amazement on our latest installment of Great Moments in Editing ...

Those who engage in the profession of meteorological prognostication often take a lot of heat when their forecasts don't accurately predict what actually happens. Here's one way a clever weatherperson got around the issue ...

This one wanted to be a little more specific ...

I've been summoned for jury duty starting tomorrow. I've been summoned several times, but this is the first time my group of prospective jurors has actually been required to report. I hope I end up with trial for which the accused actually shows up ...

And, this being the environs of Washington, DC, I suppose the judge will explain the finer points of the law to us before we begin our deliberations ...

Gay rights and gay marriage are a hot topic right now, and many people have very definite opinions on the subject ...

If you want to throw a really great party, it helps to have a huge ... uh ... never mind ...

There are a few events I'd probably prefer not to attend ... at least the part where dinner is served ...

On second thought, the horsemeat hamburger doesn't sound all that bad ...

And perhaps I'll just bring my own drinks, thank you very much ...

And finally, I understand the need for a lot of workplace restrictions, but I'd prefer my employer not limit my choice of condiments ...

And there you have it ... another sterling selection of examples of why good English used to be taught in this country.

Oh, and Happy St Patrick's Day, by the way ...

Enjoy that green beer, corned beef and cabbage, faux Irish brogues, and silly Irish jokes, and ignore all the bozoheads wearing the "Kiss Me, I'm Irish" buttons. It's only once a year, after all.

Have a good day. More thoughts coming.



  1. Well, the realtor looks happy!

    The picnic after the waste disposal presentation: is that a dietary ploy?

    Have a nice Sunday, enjoy the green beeer!

  2. Great editorial mishaps.

  3. Oh the evils of homo sapienism. When will it all end?!

  4. Talk about fear of commitment! The weather people join that crowd.
