Saturday, June 22, 2013

Cartoon Saturday

June. Oy ...

A nuclear storage site at Hanford, Washington, may be leaking radioactive waste into the ground and a nearby river; move your savings to the First National Bank of Your Mattress - the stock market has fallen for the second straight week; traitorous, self-important ass clown Edward Snowdon has been charged with espionage; professional nonentity Kim Kardashian and alleged musician Kanye West have named their new baby ... North; and the Food Network has dropped celebrity chef Paula Deen like a ... uh ... hot potato after she was accused of using a "racial epiphet" that left a bad taste (sorry) in the mouths of politically correct listeners.

We gave up on May. June sucks, too. Let's hope the cartoons will keep us going until July.

I thought this one was a clever literary takeoff ... if you'll excuse my use of the word "literary" in this context ...

The big, bad wolf finally figures out how to take care of those pesky Three Little Pigs ...

For this week's selection of theme cartoons, we turn to the animal world.  Back in April we ran a group of cartoons looking at penguins ... this week, we turn to somewhat larger aquatic animals - whales ...

First, we look at the whales with a bad rap, and two ways of correcting the unfortunate naming problem* ...

and ...

I was somehow reminded of the famous James Thurber cartoon about a seal barking when I saw this one ...

Whales are thought to be very intelligent animals. Do you suppose they fall for scams, too? ...

Having spent the day yesterday at King's Dominion amusement park with my local grandchildren, and much of that in the wonderful Water Park area, I can relate to this one ...

And finally for our whale-themed cartoon set, this one was an obvious choice ...

History made simple ...

And we wrap up this week's cartoon collection with this gem ... to which I think I could add a lot of other names ...

And there you have it - my attempt to help you get over another week of miserable news. Here in NoVa, we're looking forward to another beautiful summer day before the weather returns to its more normal baking heat and ghastly humidity. I'm going to take full advantage of it by doing the minimum of yard work, followed by sitting on the deck with a gin and tonic to survey my 0.253306-acre realm. You work your way, I'll work mine.

Have a good day and a great weekend. More thoughts tomorrow.


* I'm sending these to Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, too.


  1. It's all in the name -- killer whales get re-branded.

    And some wolves know how to play the modern game.

    Bilbo, we needed those cartoons after this week.

    Snowdon seems to be in Hong Kong limbo without a limbo stick.

  2. Oh man..that last one is brilliant!

  3. I think the barcaloungers and ottomans finally formed a dual dynasty that worked together.

  4. That last one, and the wolf one were outstanding!

  5. You pegged Edward Snowdon correctly.

    Great Cartoon Saturday!
