Friday, October 18, 2013

Political Clip Art

One of the interesting things (and I used the term advisedly) about the recent political foot-shooting in Congress is the vast amount of political clip art that it generated. Some of it is quite clever and funny, some of it is amazingly stupid, all of it is interesting ... if only as a barometer of how much free time some people have on their hands. Here are a few examples, with my inescapable commentary ...

The tea party zealots are fond of shouting about what "the American people" want. Of course, the only "American people" they're listening to are the ones who live in their districts which have been gerrymandered out the wazoo to concentrate the lunatics. I think this sums up things a bit better ...

One wonders what William Shakespeare would have made of the current crop of Congressional ass clowns* ...

This one isn't political, strictly speaking, but I think it fits ...

 This one helps not so much with forgiving the far-right GOP, as with understanding them ...

And finally, this is one that I did up myself in an effort to help clarify for my foreign friends how our government actually works ...

Feel free to share. And remember that "we the people" are the ones who elected all these ass clowns, and can elect other ones at the next opportunity.

Have a good day. See you tomorrow for Cartoon Saturday.


* The Tempest, Act 1, Scene 2.


  1. We the people are pissed off because the manure almost hit the fan!

  2. I love that "We the People" one.

  3. allenwoodhaven8:25 PM

    Merv meeting Sam is one of the funniest I've seen in a long time!
