Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Ink? Think!

I don't think I've ever made a secret of the fact that I don't think much of tattoos, especially big, garish tattoos on ladies. To me, putting a tattoo on a lady is like painting a handlebar mustache on the Mona Lisa, but worse. Ink is something you should apply to paper to create a nice letter to ol' Bilbo, not something you should inject into your skin.

Of course, not everyone thinks the way I do. For instance, I always thought of librarians as elderly ladies with white hair pulled back into a bun, granny glasses suspended on a chain over their cardigan sweaters. I never thought there was a whole set of tattoos that would appeal to librarians ... until I ran across this article on Mental Floss: 24 Awesome Librarian Tattoos. Who knew?

But I digress.

To help answer the question, "what were you thinking??", here's a decision chart on whether or not you should get that tattoo ... click it to big it ...

And if, after all that, you still want a tattoo, try this one ...

Or listen to Jimmy Buffett's great song, "Permanent Reminder of a Temporary Feeling."

Or go back and read my July 2008 diatribe about tattoos, The Straight Skin-ny

Just think before you ink. Please.

Have a good day. Preferably without epidermal art. More thoughts tomorrow.



  1. Tattoos are definitely bad ideas. The regret quotient is very high.

  2. A great flow chart regarding a bad fad.

  3. Tattoos are like the long hair fad of the 60's and 70's except they are harder and more expensive to remove.

  4. I am glad to say that I was never tempted.

    There was a woman at a fast food place in Newport that had two teardrop tattoos near her eyes.

  5. allenwoodhaven2:07 PM

    I agree Bilbo. I saw a card the other day. It showed a heavily tattooed man and woman sitting side by side with regret on their faces. Inside it said, "we didn't realize we could have gotten t-shirts that said I'm with stupid!"

  6. Tattoos used to be just for sailors and jailbirds.

  7. No one thus far has been pro-tattoo. Do tattooed people read?

  8. King - I did get one pro-tattoo comment on my Facebook page. It was from my favorite niece, who ran down the list of why she got her tattoos and why she was okay with them ... and her final reason was "because you love me anyway." I guess I couldn't argue with that one.
