Sunday, July 27, 2014

Poetry Sunday

Julio Iglesias and Willie Nelson made an unlikely duet, but when they sang their great song "To All the Girls I've Loved Before," their very different voices meshed seamlessly in a story about memories of lost love. And lust. Here's another take on remembrance of love and lust from Jack Gilbert ...

Cherishing What Isn't
by Jack Gilbert

Ah, you three women whom I have loved in this
long life, along with the few others.
And the four I may have loved, or stopped short
of loving. I wander through these woods
making songs of you. Some of regret, some
of longing, and a terrible one of death.
I carry the privacy of your bodies
and hearts in me. The shameful ardor
and the shameless intimacy, the secret kinds
of happiness and the walled-up childhoods.
I carol loudly of you among trees emptied
of winter and rejoice quietly in summer.
A score of women if you count love both large
and small, real ones that were brief
and those that lasted. Gentle love and some
almost like an animal with its prey.
What is left is what's alive in me. The failing
of your beauty and its remaining.
You are like countries in which my love
took place. Like a bell in the trees
that makes your music in each wind that moves.
A music composed of what you have forgotten.
That will end with my ending.

Thank you, ladies ... I love Agnes, but I like you all.

Have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow.



  1. Definitely a fine poetry in that song.

  2. We like you too, Bilbo.

  3. Yes we do like all the girls. And if they can twerk a hula hoop it goes up to like.5.

  4. Willie Nelson a great American songster.

  5. The singers sound a tad horny,
