Friday, August 15, 2014

And the Editorial Hits Just Keep on Coming!

It's hard to believe it's been two weeks since our last trip down Mangled Language Lane ... time for another visit!

From the meat department, I guess we'll see this special when pigs fly ...

I think someone needs a new translator ...

I'm not drunk, and I don't think she looks like Heather Locklear ...

Wait till the GOP hears about this latest abomination under the Affordable Care Act! ...

I see that Mr Snowdon has a new job painting directional signs for the British highway system ...

I assume they'll let us know of any change in his condition ...

Now that's what I call a tornado ...

I wonder if these are whelped-again dogs ...

We're taking up a collection to buy Uncle Jimmy a new jock strap ...

Ever been chased by a Venus Flytrap? ...

And there you have it - another collection of wonderful items seen in print. Editors and English teachers take note: there are plenty of job openings out there ... or, at least, there should be.

Agnes and I had a great afternoon and evening yesterday, meeting up with our friends KathyA and her husband Dick for a tour of the Pentagon, followed by dinner at the wonderful Lebanese Taverna in Pentagon Row. And now it's Friday and the weekend beckons ... see you here tomorrow for Cartoon Saturday.

Have a good day. Cartoons coming.



  1. I had to do a double take on the horse balls one.

  2. That Venus Fly Trap is completely off the wall...but all of them are sooooo funny! What happened to the editor of these? Looking forward to Saturday's cartoons.

  3. The article about the dead person reminded me of a running joke in the early days of Saturday Night Live, when Chevy Chase would include a version of "This update just in - Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead." in his Weekend Update segment.

  4. Dave - I seem to remember another SNL skit that was part of their drumming on the Generalissimo that named Franco as the champion of the Olympic Cadaver-Diving competition, with video of a uniformed and bemedaled corpse being shoved off a 3-meter board...questionable taste, but still hysterically funny.

  5. Maybe there was a Delorean spinning in that tornado.

  6. Those were real hoots.

  7. Can tornadoes really induce time travel? There may be a basis for another Diana Galbadon novel.
