Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Making Lemonade from the Jade Helm Lemon

Last week I had the opportunity to listen to a very interesting presentation by Daniel Burrus, a noted business strategist and expert on global trends and innovation. Part of Mr Burrus's talk centered on identifying problems early and looking for innovative ways to skip them, head them off or, even better, turn them to one's own advantage.

I thought about that yesterday when I followed a series of web links to this article in the Houston Chronicle: Texans Organize 'Operation Counter Jade Helm' to Keep an Eye on the Federal Troops. Yes, Dear Readers, many suspicious citizens of the Lone Star State, fearful that the "Jade Helm 15" military exercises which begin today in various parts of Texas and other western states are a cover for the imposition of martial law and the confiscation of their guns, are banding together to keep a watchful eye on the troops. These would, of course, be the same troops that people in Texas (and elsewhere) have bumper stickers on their cars urging you to support, but we'll ignore that bit of cognitive dissonance for the moment.

You know how this will play out already, of course - the exercises will take place, no martial law will be imposed, no guns will be confiscated, no one will be rounded up and placed in internment camps, and the tinfoil hat brigades will claim victory ... because, obviously, the evil schemes of the Jack-Booted Government ThugsTM were defeated by the brave, vigilant and well-armed Texas heroes.

Well, getting back to Mr Burrus and his advice to turn problem to advantage, it occurred to me that we could make some economic and political lemonade out of this gigantic lemon ...

The Army announced last week that it will cut some 40,000 troops from its ranks by 2017 as part of an effort to live with reduced budgets and the expected impact of the next round of sequestration. I suggest the Army close all military bases in Texas and relocate the troops and services remaining after the budget reductions have been achieved to other states. This action would have several positive outcomes:

1. The Army would be better able to live within reduced budgets.

2. The armed services would be able to close some installations in excess of their requirements without interference by the politically-driven Congressional base closure process.

3. The citizens of Texas would not have to worry about the threat posed by federal forces crouching in the state, ready to spring.

4. Other states would be able to benefit economically from the presence of military installations and personnel that are no longer welcome in Texas.

5. The Texan "surveillance teams" and other home-grown militia organizations could be organized into a new Texas Army to defend the Lone Star State against domestic enemies* like the federal government**. This, in turn, has two positive outcomes:

5a. It gives patriotic Texans an opportunity to stand up the "well-regulated militia" envisioned by the Second Amendment***.

5b. It gives Texans a reason to buy more of the guns the Second Amendment gives them the right to have+.

So, Dear Readers, what do you think about this? Adjust your tinfoil hat and leave a comment.

Have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow.


* Military officers take an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

** Which is clearly a far greater danger than Islamic extremists, extreme right-wing militia organizations, or far-left radicals.

*** Yes, that's part of the Second Amendment, too, but nobody pays attention to it.

+ Not as if they needed one.


  1. Isn't Texas too hot for people to wear tin foil hats. The "tinfoil hat brigade" can parade down the main street of Bastrop in a victory parade. Their victory parade will rival that of when the Dallas Cowboys would win the NFL championship. Can they have Tinfoil Hat Brigade Cheerleaders?

  2. Even the crazy conspiracies are bigger in Texas!

  3. I got the impression that the governor of Texas was pandering to the cranks.

  4. It's interesting how the newspaper called them "federal" troops.

  5. allenwoodhaven7:30 PM

    A wonderful idea! I suspect, however, that Texas politicians would be howling about losing so many tax dollars being spent on and near the bases. My rebuttal: "so what!".
