Thursday, July 30, 2015

Warning Signs

We've entered a dangerous and traumatic time for the nation. Crazy people with guns run around shooting people, while other crazy people with guns think they should stand guard on the rest of us. Donald Trump, of all people, is leading in the polls as the favored GOP candidate for president. Hackers can seize control of your car. You can't say anything about anyone without being accused of being some sort of -ist. There's a crazy place where the United States of America used to be, and we need to be more careful every day about everything we say and everything we do ...

A long time back, I think I shared some of these useful warning signs with you. It's time to break them out again as we navigate our way through the legions of tinfoil hat wearers and those who are absurdly touchy about everything you say and do. Use as needed ...

No need to thank me. On top of everything else, it's an election year, and everyone is pissed off and armed to the teeth ... you need all the help you can get.

Have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow.



  1. Are you sure that first sign isn't offensive?

  2. Guess I should save these for future use.

  3. allenwoodhaven6:16 PM

    Fabulous! I need a set of these...

  4. Those are great but don't wear tinfoil hats to counter stupidity.
