Saturday, September 05, 2015

Cartoon Saturday

Today is Saturday, September 5th - the first Cartoon Saturday of the new month! Since Agnes and I are visiting the family in Pittsburgh this weekend, I don't have time for the usual bad news summary, but I'm sure you're familiar with it all anyway.

In honor of the Labor Day holiday weekend, this week's collection of theme cartoons deals with - what else? - jobs and the workplace.

We lead off with this ultimate Labor Day greeting ...

An interesting question: how do you call in sick when you're teleworking from home?

Never say things can't get any worse at work ...

This is how employee recognition seems to work in most places ...

I've worked in cubicle farms that are like this ...

Labor Day greetings from the people overseas your job was outsourced to ...

I can see this coming ...

Some of us are more easily replaced by machines than others ...

What happens when downsizing doesn't work any more?

This one really speaks to me!

Happy Labor Day! If you have the day off, enjoy it. If you don't, you can at least be thankful that you have a job.

Come back tomorrow for Poetry Sunday. More thoughts then.



  1. Great cartoons! I'll prefer plastic badges, thank you.

    That explains the term "happy hour."

  2. A day off is a 24-hour 'happy hour.'

  3. I was at the phone company when they brought workers from India so they could be train by phone company workers to take over their jobs.

  4. allenwoodhaven7:40 PM

    Happy Labor Day! We all deserve some time off.
