Saturday, February 20, 2016

Cartoon Saturday

As we come to the end of another miserable week, there's nothing like some good cartoons to cheer us up. But first, this news ...

Harper Lee, author of the classic American novel To Kill a Mockingbird, died on Friday at age 89; Donald Trump managed to find himself described as "not a Christian" by no less an authority than Pope Francis, whose remarks were described by Mr Trump as "disgraceful;" 18 year-old Malachi Love-Robinson was arrested in Florida for impersonating a doctor ... he defended his actions by telling a reporter that "just because someone has a title 'doctor' in front of their name does not necessarily imply M.D."; Apple is embroiled in a privacy and civil liberties dispute with the FBI over the agency's demand that it unlock an iPhone belonging to a man who murdered 14 people at a Christmas party last December; and in Kenya, a group of lions escaped from a park on Friday and were said to be in a residential area of Nairobi, reportedly searching for the location of the local Lions Club chapter.

In honor of my mail, which nowadays consists of Medicare come-ons and ads for cemetery plots, let's enjoy a collection of cartoons about aging ...

My fellow vets will appreciate this ...

We're getting there ...

I can appreciate this ...

I also enjoy being asked for my ID when my supermarket purchase includes a bottle of wine ...

Agnes and I are both good at this ...

Yep, that's me ...

Nothing like getting an early start on feelings of old age ...

Looking waaaaay back ...

As I've often said, getting old is the pits, but it does beat the alternative ...

Finally, this one pretty much summarizes how I see our retirement plan ...

After a few weeks of bitter cold, rain, snow, and ice, it looks as if we're going to have a pretty nice weekend, with temperatures today possibly reaching the 60s. This almost certainly means, given the vagaries of NoVa weather, that we'll have another three feet of snow by midweek.

So what's on your agenda for the weekend? We'll be rearranging the furniture in Agnes's workshop (again) and gathering up the last figures and documents we need for our tax return. We met with our tax advisor yesterday afternoon and discovered that our tax picture isn't as dismal as we thought ... complicated, to be sure, but it looks as if we won't go to jail this year. Nice to know we have something in common with the 1%.

Have a good day and enjoy the weekend. See you tomorrow for Poetry Sunday. More thoughts then.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great surprise line about the lions looking for the Lion's Club!

  3. Funny cartoons; I liked the weather report one best. We should have a nice weekend here; recreation today and planning on sleeping in Sunday!!! And going to a concert later. Then it's work the next day, how exciting. Hope your weekends is great, and politics don't spoil it!

  4. allenwoodhaven9:52 AM

    Good selection! Shoe does a lot of age humor; I think the author has experience...

    Enjoy your weekend!

  5. We had 77 here yesterday (a new record) and it will be 70 today. Not bad for February.

  6. The Shoe does fit. This weekend looks like one for watching basketball and us going out Sunday to Lake Gunthersville State Park.

  7. Spurwing Plover11:54 AM

    Can anyone remember back when there was only three channels and about every home at a TV antanue and Back & White and when Color TV was new and NBC introduced the peacock I still prefer the origional NBC Peacock
