Monday, February 01, 2016

Musical Monday

One of the things that often drives me crazy is hearing a song, liking it a lot, and not having any idea who sang it or what the title was ... which makes it difficult to track it down and buy it for my collection. Today's song is one such. I knew the singer was Judy Collins (I'd know her voice anywhere), but I had no idea of the title, and every guess I had was wrong. As it turns out, you'd never guess the title from the lyrics. Here is Judy Collins singing her wonderful tune, "Song for Judith" ... not until much later called "Open the Door," which would have made it a lot easier to track down!

I think this is another song that's a great blend of wonderful tune and gorgeous lyrics:

"Open the door and come on in - 
I'm so glad to see you, my friend!
You're like a rainbow coming around the bend.
And when I see you happy,
Well, it sets my heart free;
I'd like to be as good a friend to you
As you are to me."

Have a good day. Be someone's rainbow coming around the bend.

More thoughts tomorrow.



  1. A beautiful song! She has a great voice. The renaming of the song probably does make it easy to remember its title.

  2. That's a blast from the past! I remember her from the 1960's. She had a beautiful voice!

  3. Great voice,but I wouldn't have thought of her without your post. I like the lyrics. "A rainbow coming around the bend"....great line.

  4. A blast from the past, indeed.

    Why do I think I should be sitting in the sun, smoking a joint?

  5. I know what you mean about hearing a song and driving yourself nuts trying to find it.
