Saturday, February 04, 2017

Cartoon Saturday

Don't worry about the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus going out of business ... it's been ably replaced by the Trump administration.

President Trump* continued his effort to look like a sober and responsible statesman by insulting the Australian prime minister and hanging up on him during an official phone call, then continued his efforts by using his comments at the National Prayer Breakfast this past Thursday to ask attendees to pray for better ratings for Arnold Schwarzenegger**, who replaced him as the star of the TV show "The Apprentice;" Mr Trump has begun taking action to dismantle the regulations imposed on Wall Street after the 2008 financial crisis; in South Dakota, state GOP lawmakers repealed an anti-corruption law approved by the state's voters on election day, claiming that "they didn't think voters knew what they were doing;" and in France on Friday, a man wielding a machete was shot by police at the Louvre museum when he attacked a group of soldiers.

This week, given the way things are going with the new administration, I thought a collection of cartoons featuring crash test dummies would be appropriate.

You have to be careful with these ride-seeking services ...

When dummies strike ...

How the ancient Egyptians tested the safety of chariots ...

I could have used one of these back in high school ...

Well, of course he is ...

Why am I not surprised?

Hitchhiking can be dangerous in many ways ...

I think this version would be more interesting ...

Yep ...

It's a good idea to be up front about some things ...

And there you are - the first set of cartoons for the new month. God knows we need them.

Have a good day and a great weekend, and come back tomorrow for Musical Sunday. More thoughts then. 


* It's still hard to say it.

** Trump has repeatedly insulted Schwarzenegger's hosting of the show, saying most recently that after he left the show, "The ratings went right down the tubes. It has been a disaster."


  1. I never thought of crash test dummies as a topic for cartoons before! Great ones!
    Our country has a crash test dummy in the driver's seat....

  2. Drat! Angel beat to the trump comment.

  3. There will be pleanty more opportunities for that in the next four years.

  4. allenwoodhaven7:49 PM

    Great cartoons! "Daddy's home!" made me laugh.

    Trump is trying to boost ratings for The Apprentice just by mentioning it. Criticizing creates controversy and that creates ratings.
