Saturday, October 21, 2017

Cartoon Saturday

Here we go again ...

A month after Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico, a million people are still without running water and three million are without power on the island; 60 people were killed in two suicide attacks on mosques in Afghanistan; former White House strategist and ultra-conservative firebrand Steve Bannon unleashed a "blistering" attack on former president George W. Bush after Bush, in a speech delivered in New York, condemned bigotry, lies, and conspiracy theories in a speech that, while not mentioning Donald Trump, was clearly directed at him; and White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders tried to walk back comments she made on Friday that it was "highly inappropriate" to criticize Chief of Staff John Kelly because he was a four-star general.

An October filled with rampant ass-clownery continues, and - to help you cope - so do our Halloween-themed cartoons - this week highlighting witches ...

Of course there's an app for that ...

It ought to be the first step to solving the problem ...

Parking legally ,,,

What can happen with online dating ...

There's an app for that, too ...

Slightly irregular ...

It's always bad ...

And don't forget the eye of newt (gingrich) ...

It's the latest in cauldrons ...

Once upon a lineup ...

And there you have it - a real witches' brew of cartoons for a cursed October.

Here in NoVa our stretch of glorious fall weather looks as if it will continue through the weekend and into the first part of next week ... great news for my power-walking and not so great news for the leaves that are steadily piling up in the yard, crying out to be raked. Sigh. At least it's something that I can do outside to enjoy that wonderful sunshine.

Have a good day and a great weekend. More thoughts tomorrow, when we continue with our Halloween celebration with a visit from Edgar Allan Poe on Poetry Sunday. Be here!



  1. Loved the cartoons! Happy Halloween, Bilbo!

  2. Great ones; thanks for the smiles!

  3. I think hex support is what it should be called.

  4. Happy Halloween, Bilbo!

