Wednesday, October 11, 2017

The Faith Pyramid

Last week in this space, I grumbled about complicated and convoluted modern religiosity, as opposed to the simple "love thy neighbor" dictum of early Christianity. Continuing with that topic, here's an interesting take on the ramifications of religious belief, courtesy of Crispian Jago's* blog, The Reason Stick ...

Since "thoughts and prayers" are the only thing that Congress is able to quickly provide - on a nonpartisan basis - in response to mass murder and natural disasters, it's worth thinking about where those prayers fall on the faith pyramid. Hint ... low.

I have faith in the love of my wife and family, the passage of the seasons, and endless political ass-clownery. Any more, not much else.

Have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow.


* Last June in this space, I featured another of Crispian Jago's offerings, The Periodic Table of Irrational Nonsense. I find his thoughts devastatingly clever, if not always suitable for children.


  1. ......Yes, and many religions profess "Love Thy Neighbor." Not bad. By doing right, loving your neighbor, and not being an asshat someone can go far in most religions.

  2. Such a sad, cynical pyramid.

  3. Suppression of scientific progress is the scariest.

  4. allenwoodhaven7:54 PM

    Interesting; I'd not seen this.

  5. Not bad. By doing right, loving your neighbor, and not being an asshat someone can go far in most religions.

