Sunday, March 31, 2019

Poetry Sunday

At least here in NoVa, March is going out like the proverbial lamb, setting us up for what we hope will be a pleasant April spring. This poem by Linda Pastan evokes the beauty of the new season ...


Our final dogwood leans
over the forest floor
offering berries
to the birds, the squirrels.
It's a relic
of the days when dogwoods
flourished—creamy lace in April,
spilled milk in May—
their beauty delicate
but commonplace.
When I took for granted
that the world would remain
as it was, and I
would remain with it.

Sadly, the world never remains as it was, and neither do we. Whether that's good or bad depends on your point of view. Enjoy the creamy lace of the dogwoods in April ... there's precious little beauty out there unless we decide to look for it.

Have a good day and enjoy the rest of your weekend. More thoughts coming.



  1. When my son was in grade school he brought home a twig on earth day. It was a dogwood. We put it in water and got the roots started then planted it in the backyard. That was around 25 years ago. The tree grew well but it's now at the end of its life. I don't know if it's going to make it through this year or not.

  2. allenwoodhaven7:17 PM

    Beautiful poem. I remember us planting a dogwood in our backyard as a kid. That was eons ago!
