Saturday, June 08, 2019

Cartoon Saturday

As if you thought June might be an improvement over May ...

A former nurse has been sentenced to life in prison after being convicted of murdering 85 patients at two hospitals in northern Germany; a woman in Florida was arrested Tuesday after she allegedly walked into an “ax-throwing" bar scraping two machetes together and telling patrons she had killed over 100 people with them; the bishop of a poor diocese in West Virginia is accused of spending more than $350,000 on gifts to church officials and supporting a grandiose lifestyle; one West Point cadet was killed and another 22 were injured on Thursday when a vehicle loaded with cadets on summer training overturned on a dirt road; and in South Texas, a vehicle packed with more than a dozen undocumented migrants crashed after it was chased by police, killing six people.

This week, no theme ... just a potpourri of good cartoons I've found recently. Enjoy!

Clarity of expression is important in speaking and writing ...

Restaurant substitution rules can be depressingly arbitrary ...

Perhaps not so literally ...

Apps ... they're not just for people any more ...

Ursine social faux pas ...

Clever! ...

Well, a political debate can be a form of bull-fighting ...

It's as stupid an argument as the anti-vaccine one ...

Steven Wright once had a joke about going to a general store and not being allowed to buy anything specific ...

Oh, the horror!! ...

And there you have it - your weekly batch of cartoons to help you cope with the anguish of living in the Age of Trump. I hope it helps.

Have a good day and a great weekend. More thoughts tomorrow, when Musical Sunday returns with Simon and Garfunkel. See you then.


1 comment:

  1. allenwoodhaven11:19 PM

    No theme? What a great theme!

    Great cartoons, especially the General Store.
