Saturday, January 25, 2020

Cartoon Saturday

There are only 31 Days in January, but it sure seems as if there are 973 …

The House Impeachment Managers completed their presentations and the defense team prepared to start its presentation as Der Furor's impeachment trial ground steadily along to an almost certain acquittal vote along party lines; the potentially deadly coronavirus continued to spread in China, as the first cases were identified in the United States and Europe; Pentagon sources stated that as many as 34 US troops suffered traumatic brain injuries in the Iranian missile attack on US bases in Iraq, even as Der Furor characterized the injuries as "headaches and a couple of other things;"  at least two people were killed and many nearby homes and businesses were damaged on Friday when a massive explosion demolished a warehouse in Houston, Texas; and an environmental disaster of a sort occurred when a 97,000-gallon tank of cabernet sauvignon wine ruptured and spilled its contents into California's Russian River. 

This week, in honor of the ongoing drama of Der Furor's impeachment trial and its preordained outcome, here's a collection of cartoons about criminals ...

Bank security has improved ...

Some career changes are easier than others ...

One of the classic crime schticks is the body in the trunk of the car. Here's a set of cartoons that riff on that theme ...

Getting the noise checked out ...

You might want to be careful with those family window stickers ...

Test drive ...

The wake ...

I think they'll need a lot of those dangling pine air fresheners ...

Clever ploy ...

And that's it for this criminally funny collection of cartoons. I hope they helped provide a bit of humor to take your mind off the impeachable criminality now facing the country.

Have a good day and come back tomorrow for a timely Musical Sunday. More thoughts then. 



  1. allenwoodhaven3:03 PM

    Great ones! Thanks!

  2. I had to think about the octopus for a second.

  3. I have an urge to check my trunk.
