Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Choosing the Laws to Obey

Because obedience to the law is optional in Der Furor's America (at least if you are white, wealthy, well-connected, on the far political right, or all of these), each of us must answer an important question: "which laws do I want to obey?"

Here are a few of the laws I'm going to stop obeying now that it's optional:

1. Tax Laws. The rich and the big corporations can legally avoid paying taxes, why should I keep being a chump?

2. Stop Signs and Speed Limits. They unconstitutionally limit my freedom of movement.

3. Subpoenas. Members of Der Furor's administration are allowed to ignore them; I should be, too.

4. Gun Laws. I'm buying the biggest howitzer I can get. Der Furor says that I'm not safe anywhere in the country, and no bad guy will be deterred by a gun that doesn't look really intimidating while I'm doing my grocery shopping or waiting in line at Starbucks or "defending property." In any case, what part of "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" don't you understand?

5. Bank Robbery. I'm a retiree and I'm nearly 70 years old. When the GOP finally succeeds in eliminating Social Security and getting rid of the Affordable Care Act, I'll need to supplement my income somehow.

That's a start; I'm sure I'll come up with a lot more.

Aside from the fundamental issue of fairness, not having to obey the laws is also good for the economy. People will have a lot more money to spend if they can just steal what they need without worrying about pesky things like fines, court costs, and lawyers fees. And think of the money we'll save by not having to pay for police departments and courts!

Of course, there are more than 300 million people in this country, and if all of us just obey the laws we want to obey, there may be a bit of social awkwardness, but that's the price of freedom without responsibility, isn't it?

Which laws will you no longer obey, Dear Reader? Leave a comment and let me know so we can coordinate our lawlessness.

Support selective law and order! It's the American Way, 2020.

Have a good day. More thoughts coming.


1 comment:

  1. I'm going to start small. I'm going to stop cutting my grass.
