Sunday, September 27, 2020

Poetry Sunday

This past Tuesday was the first day of autumn, and we greeted it here in NoVa with pleasant temperatures and clear skies. Autumn is a wonderful time of year, with its cool days, crisp nights, and changing colors, and yet it marks the beginning of our transition to the cold and darkness of winter. Here's a poem that celebrates the bittersweet coming of autumn ...

Autumn Song 

Little flower, you live in constant danger:
Likely to be crushed under foot or torn by wind,
Sun-scorched or gobbled by a goat.
These October days streaked with regrets and tears
Are like you, brindled flower, as they bloom
And fade, harried by heat as much as by the cold.
Our ship sets out to sea, not with ivory or gold
In the hold, but with fragrant apples for cargo. Just so
My days are not heavy but delicate, fleeting and vain,
Leaving behind the sweet, faint scent of renown
That quickly will vanish like the taste of fruit
Passing from the tongues and hearts of everyone.

Have a good day and enjoy the rest of your weekend. More thoughts coming.


1 comment:

  1. We're actually having a little bit of fall also. Normally, we have a week of fall and go right to winter.
