Saturday, July 10, 2021

Cartoon Saturday

It's been a pretty weeky week, hasn't it?.

Der Furor has filed a class-action lawsuit against the tech companies he accuses of violating his First Amendment right to free speech ... the lawsuit is likely to fail because Der Furor has no class, anyhow; Rudy Giuliani has been suspended from practicing law in the District of Columbia, his second ban after one earlier imposed by the state of New York; Jovenel Moïse, the President of Haiti was murdered by assassins, several of whom have been captured and others killed by security forces; Australia is battling a huge plague of mice; and in Florida, a judge in Miami-Dade County has reprimanded a lawyer who filed a lawsuit concerning the collapse of a condominium tower in Miami, but failed to advise the court that her client had no connection whatsoever to the tragedy.

The seventeen-year cicadas have all come out, had their flings, and died, and it's much quieter outside. But there are lots of other sorts of insects around, as we explore in this week's Cartoon Saturday ...

Did you ever wonder about the picnics the ants have? ...

They want to look good, too ...

I'd be suspicious, too ...

But he knows his rights, and he can wear the mask however he damn well wants ...

Bees tend to be very well organized and connected to nature ...

Butterfly costumes that don't quite work ...

Husbands get suspicious and jealous in lots of different species ...

... and so do wives ...

I can see where that would be a problem ...

I agree ...

And that's it for this week's edition of Cartoon Saturday ... hope I didn't bug you too badly.

Have a good day and a great weekend. More thoughts tomorrow, when Poetry Sunday returns.



  1. I couldn't find the piece of pie in the Bizarro toon. Did the bugs eat it?

  2. allenwoodhaven11:26 PM

    Excellent! Especially like the bees go on the outside and the tense spider.

    Mike, you made me have to look. I didn't find the pie but did find an eyeball (on laptop), a crown (on mug), and a stick of dynamite (on the upside down picture).
