Saturday, November 06, 2021

Cartoon Saturday

It's been another "OY!" of a week, hasn't it?

A January 6th Capitol rioter who said she'd never go to jail because she had "blonde hair white skin a great job a great future" and deserved a pardon from Der Furor has been sentenced to 60 days in jail; the 17-year-old son of Glenn Youngkin, the Republican winner of the Virginia governor's race who ran on an insistence on "election integrity," attempted to vote twice, despite being underage; in a late-night vote, the House passed President Biden's $1 trillion Infrastructure and Jobs bill, which now goes to the White House for signature - a huge legislative achievement despite Republican opposition and Democratic infighting; a juror in the murder trial of Kyle Rittenhouse has been dismissed for making a joke about Jacob Blake, the Black man whose shooting by police sparked the protests during which Rittenhouse shot and killed two protesters; and in Colorado, a man has been arrested after he set his mother's house on fire while using a blowtorch to get rid of cobwebs.

The election is over, but the bumper crop of election-related cartoons is too good to pass up ...

Some people can make the best of a bad situation ...  

Isn't this just how it works? ...

The GOP made big gains, indicating a desire by many voters to turn their clocks back more than an hour this month ...

I guess it pays to grease both sets of palms ...

The app I need in election years ...

It would be nice if it worked, wouldn't it? ...

The advantage clowns have in election years ...

This is a campaign promise I wish they'd all fulfill ...

It's not just in election years, but I can understand the confusion ...

They don't ...

And that's it for the first Cartoon Saturday of the month ... I hope it helped you process the results of the election.

Have a good day and a great weekend, and come back tomorrow for Musical Sunday, when Abba weighs in on the solution to Congressional budget problems. More thoughts then.



  1. USA political life, depicted as cartoons... Very appropriate! lol

  2. Election shirt; after election shirt; I think there's some money to be made there.

  3. allenwoodhaven10:47 PM

    Dagwood's barber makes a good point. And I want an election shirt! Great edition; thanks!
