Saturday, November 13, 2021

Cartoon Saturday

It's been quite a week, hasn't it? ...

Texas Representative Louie Gohmert, not one of the brighter bulbs in the Congressional chandelier, has announced that he is considering running for Texas State Attorney General; a metallurgist in Washington state pleaded guilty to fraud after spending decades faking the results of strength tests on steel that was being used to make U.S. Navy submarines; in a blistering decision, a Federal judge denied Der Furor's latest attempt to prevent records of his activities related to the January 6th insurrection from being released to Congressional investigators; the leader of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, has threatened to cut off gas supplies to Europe if western governments impose sanctions over an escalating migrant crisis they accuse Lukashenko of causing; and a lawyer representing Jacob Chansley, the so-called "QAnon Shaman," has requested Chesley's release from prison for time served, beginning his 23-page sentencing memo to the court by (I am not making this up) quoting the words of noted legal sage Forrest Gump - "My momma always said, you've got to put the past behind you before you can move on."

The celebration of my 70th birthday last weekend and accompanying love tsunami from my grandchildren has inspired me to offer a collection of cartoons about grandparents ...

Once a grandmother, always a grandmother ...  

I use a list that's taped to my screen ...

This is an oldie and I've used it many times before, but it's always great ...

Oh, the horror!! ...

I'm familiar with all those noises ...

Grandchildren are smarter than we sometimes give them credit for ...

No comment ...

I recognize all those changes ...

I guess I'd better get that letter prepped ...

Perfect!! ... 

And that's the way it is for another week ... I hope this collection of cartoons has helped you get over the disappointments of the news.

Have a good day and a great weekend. More thoughts tomorrow, when we contemplate the month of November on Poetry Sunday. See you then.



  1. I knew your birthday was around the beginning of the month, but Facebook didn't remind me.

  2. allenwoodhaven11:13 PM

    Another stellar collection! Show and Tell is still making me laugh.

    And Happy Belated Birthday!! Glad your celebration had an accompanying love tsunami from your grandchildren. You deserve the best and could anything top that?

  3. Mike - FB has gotten hit-or-miss about daily birthday reminders. I try to remember to check the birthday summary page every so often, but they made it difficult to find and I tend to lose interest if it takes too long.

    Allen - nope, nothing!
